Category: Underwater

  • Caverns Measureless to Man

    Gozo feels like an ancient island and with good reason: the fabled home of Odysseus’ besotted captor, the nymph Calypso, it also boasts the oldest surviving free standing human structures in the world, the Ggantija megalithic temples. In fact, the word Ggantija derives from the Maltese word for ‘giant’, as the stones used to construct these…

  • A Sea of Dancing Rays and The Doors of Perception

    I’ve recently returned from the Maltese Island of Gozo. The main Gozo post will follow shortly but I wanted to put something up in the meantime as these shots don’t quite fit there. So here follows a slightly disjointed musing with no particular theme other than thoughts inspired by my time spent under Gozoitan seas:…